Thursday, August 22, 2024

Ain' NOBODY Got Time For That!

Ain' NOBODY Got Time For That!
The way some marketers spew nonsense these days is as
frightening as the fact that they're just DEAD WRONG.

"The MONEY'S In The List...!"
"You don't need to know HTML OR CSS!"
"WE do all the work...YOU get all the Cash(!)"

Watch out for that last one, it's a DOOZY 🤣😂😅😄!
Seriously..., REALLY? You STILL chasin' ass behind losers;
  • making no cash promoting virtual 'volunteer' programs?
  • killing themselves to live by funnelling you useless (GARBAGE) information?
  • attempting to make themselves larger-than-Life on the coat-tails of one ol' douche or another?

UH...OK. Sorry 'bout all that.
Just not cutting it on the cash-in-hand side and
you're beginning to tweak - HARD?!?!?

Well..., uh..., after having been told how you could absolutely locate
high-quality product inventory for the price of $0.00
(Search Query: index of /PLR "MMO" OR index of plr alternately),
then create locales in high-traffic simple template hosting
(create a marketing-thematic page at either eMoneySpace™ OR Wix™ as an alternate),
then publish your money-making programs
and sites INCESSANTLY as a means to
"auto-pilot" income creation that the failed 97%
of the Online Marketing niche swear against.

Using as many external resources like the Classifieds,
and Social Media-driven publishing platforms,
equals Traffic that almost drives itself
(given a good, swift kick multiple times, weekly),
and is how the "Successful" one-to-three
percent Entrepreneurial class do it.
You gonna keep settling for a peanut,
while passing over a gold brick 😨😬🤯?

Ain' NOBODY got Time For That!
This is why you get taken for a ride,
again and again, and again and again.
Because it's so dang EASY🤑!

If you'll fall for the okee-doak of following after
repetitive postings for the "latest-and-greatest"
opportunities to come down the pike,
you'll let ANY marketing ad copy fool you
into becoming an unpaid employee when
all you REALLY need to do to win
is what all WINNERS do...
Pay the Cost to be The BOSS!
Stop slackin' and draggin' ass...


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